Friday, February 11, 2005

Islamic Worldview: View on Man

In the process to establish the Islamic economic system, the action and behavior of the economic agents determine the realization of the full- fledged success of the system. To materialize the system, man must conduct his actions based on the shari'ah.

Islam views the position of man as the best creation of Allah, the Almighty (Al-tin 95:4). Originally, man is born in fitrah (good in nature). Man is made up of physical body (jism) and soul (roh) where Allah has equipped him with ‘aql (intellect) and hawa (desire) in order for man to take the responsibilities as given by Allah.

What are the responsibilities of man? Man is given the responsibility to manage this universe as vicegerent (khalifah) of Allah (Al-baqarah 2:30). It is our responsibilities to manage the world based on the shari’ah because this is the only way that Allah wants us to follow in conducting our actions and activities to manage this world. Allah says: Then We put thee on the (right) Way of Religion: so follow thou that (Way), and follow not the desire of those who know not (Al-jathiya 45:18).

Man also is a servant of Allah, the Almighty. As servant of Allah, it is our responsibility to worship Him. Worship does not only mean to perform the specific rituals such as prayers, fasting, pilgrim and alms-giving, but conducting the entire actions and activities in life based on the shari’ah, lies the true meaning and way of worshipping. Clearly, these would include conducting our economic activities based on the divine law of Allah as one form of worshipping.

Apart from those responsibilities, as the last ummah, Allah has declared that the ummah of Prophet Muhammad SAW as the best ummah. To be the best ummah, we must call people to do good, to forbid people from doing evils and to have firm faith in Allah, the Almighty.

Islamic economic system can only be realized when man - the economic agent, has assimilated all those attributes and qualities as mentioned above. In man himself lies the real strength of the system.

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