Oleh Mohd. Nahar Mohd. Arshad
harga minyak telah menunjukkan peningkatan yang mencemaskan beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Namun, hanya dalam beberapa minggu mutakhir, minyak kini berada pada paras AS$69 dan ke bawah setong.
Melegakan? Ya! Tetapi sebenarnya penurunan harga minyak pada masa ini hanya bersifat sementara.
Hakikatnya, trend penurunan harga minyak (dan komoditi lain) ketika ini tidak menepati perkaitan antara harga minyak dan keadaan ekonomi.
Lazimnya, kedudukan harga komoditi seperti minyak dan emas adalah tinggi sejurus sebelum dan semasa krisis ekonomi. Tetapi, apa yang diamati sekarang, berlaku penurunan yang mendadak pada harga minyak dan komoditi lain tatkala krisis kewangan global sedang memuncak!
Keadaan ini menimbulkan satu prasangka yang membimbangkan di kalangan ramai pakar ekonomi. Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi?
Teori permintaan dan penawaran minyak/komoditi tidak begitu signifikan untuk menjelaskan trend semasa.
Jawapan sebenarnya berkait rapat dengan sistem mata wang kertas ketika ini.
Duit kertas boleh 'dicipta' dan 'dimusnahkan' dengan mudah. Duit dicipta apabila institusi kewangan memberi pinjaman. Duit dimusnahkan apabila kita membayar balik hutang.
Pembayaran balik hutang, pelupusan hutang dan penguncupan kredit merupakan kaedah duit kertas 'dimusnahkan'. Inilah yang berlaku di Amerika Syarikat (AS) sekarang.
Apabila duit 'dimusnahkan' bekalannya semakin berkurangan. Kurangnya bekalan duit akan menyebabkan nilai atau harga barangan di pasaran terpaksa turun.
Berikutan dolar Amerika merupakan mata wang utama dunia, maka kita perhatikan harga minyak, komoditi dan apa sahaja yang dinilai dalam dolar mengalami penurunan. Inilah punca utama kepada trend penurunan harga minyak sekarang.
Selain itu, penguncupan kredit di AS akan mengakibatkan kelembapan ekonominya. Ekonomi negara-negara lain akan turut terjejas kerana AS menjadi destinasi eksport banyak negara.
Eksport ke AS yang menurun oleh banyak negara akan membawa kepada kelembapan ekonomi dunia.
Kelembapan ekonomi bermakna penguncupan pendapatan. Ini akan mengakibatkan permintaan barangan dan perkhidmatan menurun, termasuklah minyak.
Namun, faktor ini bukanlah penjelasan utama kepada trend penurunan sekarang.
Apa yang perlu ditegaskan ialah trend penurunan komoditi sekarang bersangkutan dengan masalah sistem kewangan itu sendiri - duit kertas dan riba.
Selagi sistem mata wang tidak diubah (mata wang emas sebagai contoh), krisis ekonomi dan ketidakstabilan harga akan terus berlaku.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
WHat explains the decline in the price of oil at the moment?
The following is the answer given to me by Dr. Ahamed Kameel:
Question (Nahar): Just to get yr opinion, why the current price of oil (even commodities) is declining? I find the trend awkward and suspicious given the present global crisis. So far I haven't find satisfactory answers to explain the phenomenon.
Answer (Dr, Ahamed Kameel): Nahar, the credit crunch is effectively the destruction of fiat money. This is one absurd characteristic of fiat money...it can be destroyed, through mere accounting, particularly when people default on loans. Its like what we faced with the NPLs during the 1997 crisis.
When money gets destroyed, here dollars, the supply of it shrinks and, according to quantity theory of money, all prices particularly those priced in dollars must come down to match this shrink. This is why you notice all prices including oil, gold, commodities, homes, stock market etc are all falling.
The destruction of money is expected to bring about a global recession, triggered by a recession in the US. Accordingly the demand for oil is also expected to fall. This further contributes to the fall in the oil price.
On the other hand, the dollar exchange rate is rising because of the same reason too, i.e. the supply of dollars in forex is falling. Also note that banks are the major players in the forex market and they are getting busted. Additionally, the demand for dollars is also on the rise because many hedge funds are leaving foreign financial markets, converting back into dollars, since all are expected fall in tune with the US stock market. The demand for dollars for international trade is also still there.
Once nations absorb their losses and move on, the dollar would become a much devalued currency. A new dollar might even be introduced. Thereafter (I think by first quarter of next year) gold would start to rally again leaving dollar behind. The price of commodities would follow suit.
That's how I see it. Wallahu a'lam.
Dr Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meeran is the Dean of Institute of Islamic Banking & inanceInternational Islamic University Malaysia
Question (Nahar): Just to get yr opinion, why the current price of oil (even commodities) is declining? I find the trend awkward and suspicious given the present global crisis. So far I haven't find satisfactory answers to explain the phenomenon.
Answer (Dr, Ahamed Kameel): Nahar, the credit crunch is effectively the destruction of fiat money. This is one absurd characteristic of fiat money...it can be destroyed, through mere accounting, particularly when people default on loans. Its like what we faced with the NPLs during the 1997 crisis.
When money gets destroyed, here dollars, the supply of it shrinks and, according to quantity theory of money, all prices particularly those priced in dollars must come down to match this shrink. This is why you notice all prices including oil, gold, commodities, homes, stock market etc are all falling.
The destruction of money is expected to bring about a global recession, triggered by a recession in the US. Accordingly the demand for oil is also expected to fall. This further contributes to the fall in the oil price.
On the other hand, the dollar exchange rate is rising because of the same reason too, i.e. the supply of dollars in forex is falling. Also note that banks are the major players in the forex market and they are getting busted. Additionally, the demand for dollars is also on the rise because many hedge funds are leaving foreign financial markets, converting back into dollars, since all are expected fall in tune with the US stock market. The demand for dollars for international trade is also still there.
Once nations absorb their losses and move on, the dollar would become a much devalued currency. A new dollar might even be introduced. Thereafter (I think by first quarter of next year) gold would start to rally again leaving dollar behind. The price of commodities would follow suit.
That's how I see it. Wallahu a'lam.
Dr Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meeran is the Dean of Institute of Islamic Banking & inanceInternational Islamic University Malaysia
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